“Through our work with WaterOperator.org and The Private Well Class, we recognized the importance of bringing together diverse skillsets in solving the drinking water challenges of today and beyond.” – Steve and Jennifer Wilson
Steve Wilson is a groundwater hydrologist who has been with the Illinois State Water Survey at the University of Illinois since 1983. He authored The Private Well Class, an online self-paced curriculum for private well owners, and manages WaterOperator.org, an online resource for water and wastewater operators geared toward supporting small systems. Steve has a M. S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Jennifer Wilson is a web content specialist at the Illinois State Water Survey, where she coordinates communications and content development for WaterOperator.org and The Private Well Class. Jennifer has been at the University of Illinois since 2008 and previously served as an environmental scientist at U.S. EPA. Jennifer has a B.S. in Geosciences from Trinity University and an M.S. in Soil and Water Science from the University of California, Riverside.
(Yes, they are married.)